COVID-19 Update

At SurgCenter Camelback, we are following strict precautions to keep all of our patients and medical staff safe.

We will remain open as long as it remains safe for everyone and continue to wear masks at our facility until otherwise notified by our surgical staff and/or governmental authorities.

Our environment is clean and sanitized regularly.  We have hand sanitizer free to use as soon as you arrive.  We asked that you sanitize yourself before you arrive.
We welcome all of our patients to come to see us safely with the following precautions that you are likely already familiar with.

We are 1 visitor per adult patient (2 for children) so the waiting room will be very sparsely filled with other patients.

We have a simple screening process to ensure that it safe for you to come to the surgery center.  You are likely familiar with these common questions, which include:

1. Have you traveled from out of the country in the last 14 days?
2. Do you feel ill feverish or have a cough?
3. Have you been exposed to anybody who then feels ill feverish and has a cough recently?
4. Have you been exposed to anybody that is known to have Coronavirus colonization?

Below are listed the new policies: 

Keep the family members spread out as much as possible in our lobby with spacing in between other family members
Limiting the amount of family to 1 member per individual having surgery to help lessen the number of people in the lobby.  Patient’s family can also choose to wait in their vehicles.  
Doing hourly rounding to disinfect the lobby tables and chair rails, as well as common touch areas like door handles, ink pens, and patient charts
Staff are diligently washing and sanitizing their hands after each patient interaction

We will continue to adjust our plan of care for all of our patients and our medical staff as this terrible outbreak evolves and we get further instructions from our government leadership.

Thank you,
SurgCenter Camelback